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Able2Doc Professional
Able2Doc Professional
Able2Doc Pro - программка, какая гроссмейстерски осуществит быстрое и резкое переустройство PDF файлов в файлы формата Word и OpenOffice с сохранением столбцов, таблиц, заглавий, колонтитулов, стереоизображений и макета страницы. рограмма учитывает возможность пикового редактирования. Можно перестроить как единый файл, так и часть файла.

Able2Doc Professional executes fast and precise changeovers to Mississippi Word and Open Function Author with editorials, tables, headings, footnotes, artwork and layout regurgitated merely as they were in the original document. Maximum editability is saw!

Способности программки:
• Преобразование PDF и сохранение необычного макета в редактируемые документ Word
• Преобразование изображений в редактируемые документы Word
• Несколько вариантов преобразования документов
• Конвертирование в формат Rich Text Format (RTF)
• Высочайшая скорость преобразования
• Преобразование документа в целом, спектра страничек, одной странички либо части странички
• Просмотр документов в разных размерах методом роста масштаба и уменьшения изображения
• Преобразование в формат ODT
• Поддержка Unicode

Able2Doc Professional executes fast and precise changeovers to Mississippi Word and Open Function Author with editorials, tables, headings, footnotes, artwork and layout regurgitated merely as they were in the original document. Maximum editability is saw!

Get these 24 outstanding features at your fingertips when you license Able2Doc Professional:
1. Commute PDF to Formulate and continue the original layout of your PDF in an editable Formulate document.
2. Convert Image ( raked ) PDFs into editable Word documents.
3. Several PDF to Word changeover choices are uncommitted. Complex PDF to Word changeover - preserve the originality of commuted the PDF to Word by placing paragraphs, textbook labels, artwork, tables, and flow of editorials etc. and then duplicating it within Microsoft Word. Simple PDF to Word changeover - converts textbook from the PDF to Word document without the artwork.
4. PDF to Formulate change – commute PDF to Ample Textbook Format ( RTF ) or Formulate, it is up to you! The PDF to RTF lineament appropriates exploiters to commute bombastic documents debauched than the PDF to Formulate choice.
5. PDF to Formulate Efficiency and Selectivity. Nail excerpt power. Since you can assure what you choose, thither is no need to remove solid documents or yet solid varlets at a time. Take one tune of textbook if you desire!
6. The PDF to Formulate changeover is served at a really mellow swiftness.
7. PDF to Word changeover size choices – Convert the whole document, a range of pages, one page or a share of a page – it is your choice!
8. PDF to Formulate yield corroborates most Windowpanes and Function programs - 98/ME/NT/2000/XP.
9. Convert native PDF forms to Mississippi Word forms so that the PDF forms can nowadays be filled out in Mississippi Word. The look and find of the PDF form is the same in the Mississippi Word.
10. Our PDF spectator is admitted then you can assure what you varlets or shares of a varlet you are commuting from PDF to Formulate!
11. Opt your PDF to Formulate yield format – Both.Doc and.RTF yield formats are corroborated.
12. Assure what you are commuting. Our proprietary PDF spectator leases you view your PDFs merely as you would with Adobe Acrobat Subscriber.
13. Our PDF spectator leases you view your PDF documents at unlike sizes by soaring in and soaring away.
14. Splay landscaped PDFs to portrayal watch for loose wake and commuting.
15. Select your PDF applying a change of choices, admitting: applying the shiner, by choosing all on page, by choosing a page range.
16. Verify over Effigy established and non - effigy established changeovers. Hone for sites inwards which the PDF for changeover is a portmanteau of effigy PDF and aboriginal PDF foliates.
17. Get speck changeover truth that appropriates you to convert whatsoever share of a varlet that you want. No need to convert a solid varlet at a time if it is not required.
18. XPS to Formulate changeover. XPS is Microsoft's electronic newspaper document and it can be commuted with Able2Doc Professional.
19. PDF to Unmatched format for utilization inwards Assailable Function Author ( the Mississippi Formulate equivalent )
20. Justly dawn bond PDF changeover desegregation in Mississippi Lookout.
21. Accompaniment Unicode and Non - Unicode founts
22. Commute Arabic, Cyrillic and Oriental terminology persona PDFs
23. Artwork verify choices during the changeover operation
24. Heading and footnote usance verify lineaments

Год выхода: 2013
Платформа: Windows® XP/Vista/7/8
Язык Интерфейса: Side
Пилюля: Plot - XenoCoder
Размер: 23.20 Mb

Able2Doc Professional




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